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LADYS Program - Cville Announces its Second Year!

The LADYS Program - Cville is excited to announce its second year! After officially closing applications this past Friday, the Board of Directors will be conducting interviews, reviewing application, and picking mentorship pairs for the year. The Board of Directors decided to allow non-Hermanas, or non-members of Sigma Lambda Upsilon/Seňoritas Latinas Unidas Sorority, Inc., to have the opportunity to be mentors and apply for the program. As a way to capitalize on the strong volunteer community in the Charlottesville area, we hope this sparks interest for community involvement by those collegiate women who wish to make a difference in the lives of their "younger sisters."

In finalizing the participants for this year, we are projecting for a mix of both new and old participants of the program, allowing for a unique group dynamic and opprtunity for peer learning. Workshops will be mostly held at the University of Virginia, Clark Hall, Library twice a month. The topics of these workshops include resume help, self reflection, college help, community service, and many more. In the planning process, there is also a trip for the Spring, similar to the Washington D.C. trip organized this past April.

As the year progresses, you can help the efforts of the LADYS Program - Cville! Spread the word about our program throughout social media --by liking, reposting, and sharing our content, you are helping the outreach efforts of our program. You can also help us ensure a successful year by donating to our program here. As a non-profit, we rely on community donors and grants to continue running our program. We thank you in advance for all your contributions and help.

Thank you,

LADYS Program - Cville

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